Ron Williams Born in 1968

by B84

ISBN: 9780995354913

BINDING: Paperback

CONDITION: Used - very good


DESCRIPTION: Ron Williams  Born in 1968? What else happened? I Australian Social History

'In 1968, Sydney had its teeth fluoridated, its sobriety tested for alcohol with breathalisers, and its first Kentucky Fried. And it first heart transplant. At the same time, the number of postal deliveries per day was reduced from two to one. There was still much opposition to conscription to the Vietnam War and demos, often violent, were everywhere all the time. One operation in Vietnam saw 20 Australian 20-year-old youths, silly, rascally, and lovable, killed in just a few days. The new Prime Minister, John Gorton, announced that there would be no increase in the number of troops in Vietnam. The casino in Tasmania was approved, so visiting there became a gamble. We won a small pot of gold at the Olympics, Lionel Rose became the first Aboriginal to become a World Boxing Champion, and poet Dorothea Mackellar died at the age of 82.' Back cover