Neale Daniher When all is said

by B84

ISBN: 9781760555511

BINDING: Hardback

CONDITION: Very good

PUBLISHED: 2019 1st edition

DESCRIPTION: Neale Daniher with Warick Green  When all is said & done

'A wise man said, 'Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.'I understand the wisdom of this - right now, I don't have much 'forwards' left.

In 2013, the AFL legend was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease - a cruel and incurable condition. He had a choice. He could spend his remaining time focused on himself, or he could seize the opportunity to make a better future for others.

Neale Daniher sat down to pen a letter to the grandchildren he'll never get to know. And then he kept on writing ...

When All is Said & Done is a book of stories and wisdom from a man who has always held his beliefs to the Bunsen burner of life. Neale is unflinchingly honest, sharing a timely reminder that, even though life doesn't promise to be fair, we all have the power to choose how to make our time on this earth matter.' Blurb and back cover