Qyora, Tea Tree Oil


Tea Tree oil has been used for centuries for its anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. Making it ideal for skin irritations, help purify the air or as a natural household disinfectant*.

Emotional Support:  provides focus and mental clarity · clears negative thoughts · restores energy

Applied topically: Tea Tree antiseptic properties makes it ideal for minor cuts, and abrasions. It can assist with eczema flair ups, dermatitis, acne, dandruff and fungal infections of the nail.

*Blend with carrier oil like johoba, or coconut oil prior to applying to skin.

Colds and Congestion: Either diffuse, steam bowl, apply to a tissue and breath it in, or place a few drops in a bath.

Household Disinfectant: Acts as a great natural household cleaner and disinfectant. For example, place 5 drops in the washing machine water to help kill bacteria from clothes. Or add up to 20 drops in your mop water to disinfect floors.

INGREDIENTS: Tea Tree Australian (Melaleuca alternifolia)

SIZE: 10ml / 0.34 fl.oz

NOTE: Tea Tree oil ingested or applied directly on skin can be poisonous to animals